Ungrouping Annotations

You can ungroup annotations.
Select an annotation group or the annotation contained in a group on the Work Window.
Or, drag the mouse pointer selection rectangle to include the desired group on the Work Window.
For more information on how to select annotations in a group, see the following.
Click (Group) on the ribbon and select [Ungroup].
Or, follow one of the steps described below.
Click (Ungroup) on the ribbon
Right-click and select [Ungroup]
The group is undone and all annotations contained in that group revert to individual annotations.
If commands are not displayed on the ribbon of Desktop Editor, see the following to display them.
This operation can also be performed with the tool buttons on the toolbar. If tool buttons are not displayed on the toolbar of Desktop Editor, see the following to display them.
Some annotations grouped by something other than Desktop Editor may not be able to be ungrouped.
You can select and ungroup multiple groups. When doing this, if a group that cannot be ungrouped is selected, all groups excluding it are ungrouped.